We strive to provide the best possible soccer experience and training environment for our players. Soccer will be used to instill the qualities of ambition, leadership, teamwork, respect, service to others and the pursuit of excellence. Our players will learn to handle success and failure in competition and to exhibit good sportsmanship in victory and defeat and will understand that athletic competition is preparing them for the highest level of the game and in life.
AMBITION – is the strong drive for success and improvement in everything we do. We will set goals and then set about achieving them. Commitment, discipline, and motivation are important values as well, but ambition is what inspires us to succeed.
EXCELLENCE – is the gradual result of the continuous effort to learn and improve each day. We will work hard to be outstanding or extremely good at everything we do as a player, coach, team, and club.
LEADERSHIP – is the guiding, motivating or inspiring of others to improve the performance or the achievement of a common goal. Leadership is being consistent, leading by example, performing under pressure and by doing the right things, the right way every day. These values are hallmarks of great leaders, team captains, and individuals.
TEAMWORK – is the commitment to a common goal or mission. Teams can achieve what individuals cannot. We want our coaches and players to understand that by working enthusiastically and hard toward team goals and team success, they will also reach new heights as an individual.
RESPECT – is the ability to see and appreciate the value in ourselves and others. It means showing encouragement to your teammate and applauding their effort even when things are not going well. To be truly successful in soccer – and in life – you must treat all the people around you with courtesy, respect, and empathy.
SERVICE – of others is looking for a need and filling it to make positive change on your team, in your club, family or in the community. Leaders know a team, club or group is more important than themselves and they set a good example and lead by doing needed service to the group or team.